03 May 2012

Paint shirt or also commonly called T-shirt Painting sometimes Unique, Fabulous, Attractive, Beautiful, Make proud of when to use it or even maybe just the opposite is not suggesting anything but if we tell everyone that our T-shirt dress or a picture of the painting the original hand, if that's what it is it possible we can do is notice to all people, how important is it for anyone else notice ..... of course this is something that is less fair and exhibition as impressed. Things that I mentioned above is a case that should be considered by a designer, I also realize that there are no provisions governing how to the dress painting or shirt painting is displayed, all people have the right freely to express his imagination nonetheless result. But if the dress or shirt painting we make is made ​​for the needs or consumed by the public order or as a creative art product Industry. Of course we must think also of taste, desire, joy, nature and character of the people (consumers). That means we must also be able to rule out more personal tastes or call it ego.
T-shirt painting edpeny art design Collection- studio Bandung - Indonesia


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