10 March 2012

The expertise of a designer is more likely to use brushes as the main tool that is very important functions in the manufacturing process design.
some designers would feel lost if you do not get this one tool "brushes". It might be a design will not be created if there are no brushes .... is it true ..? if the answer is no, then you are included as true of talented designers, I am sure you will design a collection of more varied,
but if the answer is "Yes" this is necessary we make as a critical evaluation of that too if we feel that our profession is as a designer.

As we all know, in addition to the factors obtained from the theory of education, there are some important factors that determine the viability of a designer career, such as:

1. Imagination.
2. Creative.
3. Always wanted to know.
4. Willing to try.
5. Never give up.
6. Seriously.
7. A strong personality.
8. loves his profession
9. Introspection.
10. and Always analyze the situation.

Such awards do not think about what would be obtained. Marked as more designers in mind to find satisfaction in devoting one's imagination to realize the real form.
Brushes no longer be the main tool to support the creation of a design, a designer as he understands that there are many ways that can be used
to create the design, the simplest example is the hand and fingers, or the natural resources around us, such as wood, plants, water, soil, even the fire came to be an important part of creating the design.
Below is a sample design that created the technique of using your fingers, without the help of brushes.
I call this technique: transfer print fast and fresh.
Yes .. Because to be able to move all the colors that we have nick / sculpture, we must perform faster movements
before the paint dries.Look...!!

Art, art design, become designer, HOW TO, how to become a textile designer, paint, textile designer, transfer print

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for me and also for you, therefore, do not ever hesitate to do so, because life is an experiment, more and more trying to mean is a change towards a more just and good.And we will never know and understand before we do. Truly a "failure" is "science" a new science that we do not understand. Profit and Loss are the rest.

Best Regards


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