07 June 2012

The textile industry until the process of coloring (dyeing) and print design.
The process of making patterned or colored fabric is woven through the process of singeing to burn the fur on the surface of unwanted fabric and desizing process that aims to remove the starch so that the fabric can easily absorb and not rigid. Then proceed to the scouring process which aims to remove the oil, and forwarded to the bleaching process to remove substances that are used during the plantation carried as fungicides, pesticides or other natural substances, then the process merserasi to add strength and absorption of fabric to dye, after it made ​​the process for dyeing fabric dyeing or printing using a printing machine design patterns, in this stage of product design that I created will be widely used, such as digital textile design or textile design, painting,
After the dyeing or printing pattern design and then enter into the process of drying the fabric. And as the fabric will pass the stage of consummation calendering process to restore or change the fabric fiber construction for the better, finer fabrics, soft fabrics and fibers are not easily changed.
Then (inspecting) the examination of quality fabrics, and then packaging.
For shorter,
below is a summary of the steps to the process of dyeing textile industry (dyeing) and print design.


Process 1
Fur fuel-----------------------industrial of waste ---------------------------------------particle Gas
Process 2
Desizing(removal of Kanji-starch-clearstarch- Fabrics washed using hot water, contain wetting agents (surfactants) and mild alkali. Replace water in the outer surface of the fiber size, and absorb the fiber to remove any remaining fabric that does not want.)
The material used
- Water
- Amylase
- Rapidase
- Salt
- Anionic wetting------------------------------
industrial of waste - liquid wastes---------(T, pH, BOD, COD, TSS)
Process 3
Scouring Process the fabric into a room temperature or higher temperatures compatible with the addition of suitable wetting agents, alkali and so on. This process can remove all the wax, pectin and made ​​hydrophilic textile materials that can absorb water.
The material used
- Caustic soda
- Soda ash
- Wetting agents
- Wash the anionic
- surfactant------------------------industrial of waste -liquid wastes-----(T, pH, BOD, COD, TSS,phenols)


Process 4
Bleaching Cleaning of color and impurities that are not suitable for the material. Eliminating pesticides, fungicides, worm, size, lubricants, etc.
The material used
- H2O2/NaCl/CaCl2
- Na-Silicate
- NaOH
- Na-bisulfite
- HCl
- Anionic wetting---------------------------industrial of waste --liquid wastes----------(T, pH, BOD, TSS)

Process 5
Mercerizing(mercerization) Changing the chemical structure of cotton fibers. Fiber structure of alpha-cellulose is converted into beta-cellulose polymorph thermodynamically more favorable. Open the cell walls of cotton fibers. This leads to increased surface area and reflectance, the softer the fabric fibers, improving the appearance of cloth. 
The material used
- Water, NaOH
- Wetting alkali resistant ---------------------industrial of waste -liquid wastes----------------(T, pH, TSS)

Process 6
Dyeing(coloring-Printing-  immersion) This is the process of changing the fabric of a plain white in color,or patterned fabric made ​​by using a rotary printing machines or printing plates.
The material used
- The Subtance Color (direct,
naphthol, sulfur,dispersion, reactive,pigment)- Other Chemicals--- industrial of waste -liquid wastes
(T, pH, BOD, COD, TSS,color,amoniak, sulfide, Cr total)
Process 7
Drying(drying) ----------------------------------- industrial of waste -----------------------Gas / steam
Process 8
End of process(refinement, calendering,inspecting, packaging) calendering create a smoother and more lustrous fabric. high temperatures and pressures used also makes fabrics will be more resistant to changes in size, or prevent changes in the fabric fibers.
The material used
- Catalysts
- Resin anti-wrinkle
- Substance relaxants
- Resin anti shrink


Products already in the packaging
Fabrics so colored / patterned

edpeny Art design
Textile Design Bandung-Indonesia 2012
and print design, dyeing, the process of dyeing textile industry

1 komentar:

edpeny said...

Hi..Textile Companies,I'm Glad to see you here....

All post is dedicated for all those who come to this site,
This blog contains special all the information about textile design and hopefully useful for everyone.
Thank's for visiting ..... Success for you.


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